Tuesday, 9 September 2014

International Scholarships

International students are encouraged to apply for academic scholarships at Texas State. If you are a continuing international student, you may apply for scholarships via the Texas State Scholarship Application.
If you are an international student who is a freshman or transfer student for the 2015-2016 academic year, you may submit your scholarship application via ApplyTexas.  For Freshmen, the deadline is December 15, 2014.  For Transfer students the deadline is March 1, 2015.  Remember, you must be currently enrolled or admitted toTexas State by the appropriate scholarship deadline in order to be considered for scholarships.
All Assured Scholarships are guaranteed to all qualified international students provided you are admitted to Texas State as a first-time incoming freshman and meet the minimum scholarship qualifications prior to your first semester (fall or spring). If you are awarded a competitive Texas State scholarship of at least $1,000, you are eligible to pay in-state tuition (visit residency requirements for more details). Please work with the department that awarded you the scholarship to complete the appropriate nonresident tuition waiver form available at Student Business Services. After the form is completed, you will need to forward it for processing to Student Business Services in Suite 188 of the J. C. Kellam Building. To learn more about the scholarships for which you can compete, select freshmantransfercontinuing orgraduate student.

The Good Neighborhood Scholarship deadline is March 1.
For further details visit the official website: http://www.finaid.txstate.edu/scholarships/international.html


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